So Abbey’s Pub was a real surprise, and a nicer place than I expected.
Before I get started, I should say I went to this show with my friend Leifaboi. (He's amazing and you should throw him your panties.. Jk ... sort of)
After freezing our asses off for about a half hour, we finally got inside the building and had missed half of the first bands’ set.
While examining the pub I quickly realized that half of the crowd was already hammered! (They were the nicest and funniest drunks I have ever seen!)
I waited in the pit for at least an hour listening to the guy next to me yell repeatedly, “I'm a dinosaur!”. For the first few minutes I tried ignore this guy, but when he started yelling bizarre noises while dancing in circles, I couldn't help but bust out with laughter.
Before all this craziness in the bit I had met several members of the band upstairs, and talked to a wonderful guy name Reed.
When you see REED next time be sure to Tip his ass!
Shooting photos for this show was a bit difficult, but in some twisted way it was also a hell of a good time.
Esp. Amazing Color
Sounds like a fun night
Well done!